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TCI Racing Calculators

Navigation of the TCI Racing Calculators page is easy! Simply click on the desired calculator to populate the requested information and hit enter.

1/4 Mile Horsepower (HP)

Enter the MPH and Weight for 1/4 Mile Horsepower, Then Press 'Enter' Key

HP = Weight * (MPH/234) ^ 3


1/4 Mile ET & MPH By Weight & HP

Enter the Weight and HP for ET and MPH, Then Press 'Enter' Key

MPH = 234 * (HP / Weight) ^ .3333

ET = 1353 / MPH


1/4 Mile ET to 1/4 Mile MPH Conversion

Enter ET for MPH or MPH for ET, Then Press 'Enter' Key

ET = 1353/MPH

MPH = 1353/ET


1/4 Mile ET to 1/8 Mile ET Conversion

Enter the ¼ Mile ET or the 1/8 Mile ET and Press 'Enter' Key

¼ Mile ET = (1/8 Mile ET + .22) / .655

1/8 Mile ET = (¼ Mile ET * .655) - .22


% Converter Slip Calculator

Enter the RPM, Tire Height in inches, The Rearend Gear Ratio, The Transmission Top Gear Ratio, and The MPH, Then Press 'Enter' Key

Conv Slip% = [((RPM * Tire Height) / (Rearend Ratio * Trans Ratio * MPH * 336)) -1] * 100


1/4 Mile MPH Calculator by RPM, Tire Height, Rearend Ratio, Trans Ratio, & Converter Slip

Enter the Tire Height in Inches, The Rearend Ratio, RPM, Trans Ratio, & Converter Slip% , Then Press 'Enter' Key

MPH = (RPM * Tire Height) / (Rearend Ratio * 336.136 * Trans Ratio * (1 + (Conv Slip% / 100)))


1/4 Mile RPM Calculator

Enter MPH, The Tire Height in Inches, The Rearend Ratio, Trans Ratio, & Converter Slip %

RPM = (Rearend Ratio * MPH * 336.136 * Trans Ratio * (1 + (Conv Slip% / 100))) / Tire Height


Optimum Tire Height Based on MPH, RPM, Converter Slip & Rear Gear

Enter the Rearend Gear Ratio, the 1/4 Mile MPH, the RPM, the Transmission top gear ratio, Conv Slip%

Tire Height = (Rearend Ratio * MPH * 336.136 * Trans Ratio * (1 + (Conv Slip% / 100))) / RPM


Optimum Rearend Ratio Calculator

Enter the Tire Height in Inches, The Rearend Ratio, RPM, Trans Ratio, & Converter Slip%

MPH = (RPM * Tire Height) / (Rearend Ratio * 336.136 * Trans Ratio * (1 + (Conv Slip% / 100)))


Tire Height Based On Sidewall Designation

Enter the Tire Width in Millimeters, The Aspect Ratio, The Wheel Diameter in Inches, and Press 'Enter' Key

Tire Height(in) = (Width(mm) / 25.4 * Aspect Ratio / 100 * 2) + Wheel diameter

Tire Width(in) = Width(mm) / 25.4


Tire Width (mm) and Aspect Ratio Based on Height and Width (in.)

Enter the Tire Height in Inches, The Tire Width in Inches, The Wheel Diameter in Inches, Then Press 'Enter' Key

Tire Width(mm) = Tire Width(in) * 25.4

Aspect Ratio = (Tire Height - Wheel Diameter) / 2 / Tire Width * 100


Effective & Equivalent Gear Ratios Based On New and Old Tire Heights & Original Gear

Enter the New Tire Height, Old Tire Height, & Original Rear Gear Ratio, Then Press 'Enter' Key

Effective Ratio = (Old tire height / New tire height) * Original ratio

Equivalent Ratio = (New tire height / Old tire height) * Original ratio


Engine Displacement

Enter the Bore in Inches, the Stroke in Inches, the Number of Cylinder, Then Press 'Enter' Key

Displacement = (Bore / 2) ^2 * PI * Stroke * # of Cylinders


Carburetor Sizing for Normally Aspirated Engines (Normally Aspirated)

Enter Engine Size in Cubic Inches and the Maximum RPM, Then Press 'Enter' Key

Theoretical CFM = (Displacement * RPM) / 3456

Street Carb. CFM = ((Displacement * RPM) / 3456) * 0.85

Race Carb. CFM = ((Displacement * RPM) / 3456) * 1.1
