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Maximizer Street Torque Converter chrysler 1993-95 A518LU 23-Spline

Maximizer Street Torque Converter chrysler 1993-95 A518LU 23-Spline

Maximizer Street Torque Converter, 2005 & later Dodge Hemi Truck 545RFE

Maximizer Street Torque Converter, 2005 & later Dodge Hemi Truck 545RFE

Maximizer Street Torque Converter, Chrysler 1982-90 Torqueflite 904 & 1991-92 A500, 26 Spline


 Maximizer Street Torque Converter, Chrysler 1982-90 Torqueflite 904 & 1991-92 A500, 26 Spline

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These torque converters have some of the same performance characteristics as our standard Saturday Night Special® series for street applications, but they are built with extra reinforcement, tougher turbine splines and thicker mounting surfaces to withstand the additional load and vibrations put through the drivetrain by a modified off-road 4x4 truck. By providing additional stall, trucks will see better better initial takeoff and will not lug the engine when using big tires. Special attention is made to match the converter to the power range of most trucks that do double duty as an off-road and daily driver. Improved rear wheel horsepower and elapsed times are a result. Stall speeds range from 1600 to 2000 RPM.

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UPC 788120023825
Manufacturer TCI®
Emissions Code